Monday, April 25, 2011

Bumper Sticker Logic

I put a bumper sticker on my car the other day that reads "Pro-Child, Pro-Family, Pro-Choice."  I'm a little nervous about it.  Every time I go to the grocery store now I'm waiting for someone to come up and start yelling at me.  I try to avoid bumper stickers because they don't generally change anyone's mind about anything, but I've gotten so tired of seeing pro-life bumper stickers all over town and figured maybe it would uplift some of my pro-choice neighbors to see that they're not alone (if in fact they exist at all).

Here's a rough sampling of the bumper stickers that are very common around here:
-Choose Life
-I'll keep my guns, freedom, and money. You keep the change.
-If Obama's the answer, it must have been a stupid question.
-Abortion stops a beating heart.
-TEA - Taxed enough already
-Work Harder - Millions on welfare depend on you

Not to mention the hundreds of Christian fish I'm stuck looking at in traffic every day.

You see what I'm up against?


  1. Good for you! My car is chock-full of bumper stickers for the same reason - not because I think that bumper sticker arguments change anyone's mind, but because I might be a beacon of acceptance for others who share my beliefs.

  2. We are out there! :)

    I have a "Dog is my co-pilot" sticker on my car, because it's basically true, but I understand your fear about bumping into a ranter in the parking lot. There are some eye-rolling stickers out there. It's nice to go to DFL or UCC meetings and see "our" stickers every now and then.

  3. Actually I am not into ideological bumper stickers because for me it is worthless to read. I hate it the fact that my kids can read it and they may think it is great. I don't want them to be influence with the message written on the bumper labels stickers.


Let's keep it civil people.