Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Birther Bashing

OK birthers, let's have it.  Why is the long form birth certificate President Obama released today not good enough?  Is it because Hawaii's not a "real" state?  Is it because it took so long to release it that he must have had it doctored somehow?  Is it because there is a vast conspiracy by the terrorists that includes the Hawaiian newspapers and the Kenyan government?  What is it??  I want to hear it!  Really!  I want to hear why Obama doing exactly what you've been saying he should do since 2008 is now not good enough for you.

When you let "science" and "facts" become optional in your society, this is what you get.  Tons and tons of people refusing to believe something that is totally irrefutable.  It amazes me, but I guess it shouldn't.

1 comment:

  1. I ask you---what is it? This is exactly why Obama didn't do this sooner. He knew that conspiracy minded crazies would not believe the FACTS!


Let's keep it civil people.