Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Abortion Crackers

Many of you have already heard this story (in fact, probably all of you at this point), but I figured I better get it written down for posterity anyway.

I used to own a small, specialty foods store.  One day, a priest walked into my store with a woman (no, this is not the start of a joke).  Despite my devout atheism, I was surprised to find that I really liked this preist.  He seemed like a cool guy.  Plus, he purchased pretty much everything I recommended to him.  I'm not sure what this lady's relationship to him was, but she purchased a few things as well, then they both left.

The very next day, this lady walked timidly into my store carrying her bag of groceries.  After a few minutes of awkwardly standing at the front of the store she approached me and asked if I was the owner.  I told her I was, and after a few more minutes of hemming and hawing she asked me if I was pro-choice.  I told her that I was and she immediately put her bag down on the counter and said, "I'm sorry, I have to return these."  I was a little bit in shock, but I said, "ok" and began to process the return.  She told me she had already eaten some of the food, but the crackers were unopened so I gave her a refund on those.  I figured, she could accuse me of being pro-choice, but she couldn't accuse me of being rude or unfair.  I was as pleasant as I could possibly be about the whole thing, and as she was leaving she said, "I'm sorry, I just see it as the killing of little babies," and I replied, "Well, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one," and she left.

Thereafter, the staff and I lovingly referred to that brand of crackers as the "abortion crackers."  Needless to say, I never saw that priest (or any other priest) ever again.  I guess word got around town that I was a "killer of little babies."

I guess what bothered me the most about the whole thing is that she didn't ask me if I was killing babies in the back room, or if I was giving store funds to Planned Parenthood or anything, she simply asked me if I was pro-choice.  Meaning, simply the fact that I believe that people are allowed to make up their own minds on the issue is enough to boycott my store.  Unbelievable.


  1. I bet that customer didn't know the leanings of the owner of Target, Rainbow Foods, Cub, etc...Just easy to pick out a small business owner and ask questions that are none of her business. The rough part of small town life. Sorry you were treated like that. Do you suppose she asks at the gas station too? LOL

  2. Good for you for taking the high road, as a store owner and as a pro-choice supporter. Like you said, she may be able to gossip about your prochoice-iness, but she won't be able to "Well I never!" about your attitude or customer service. I can't think of one thing that would have been accomplished by being rude or refusing the return.

    And @Marsha - excellent points! This sounds like a case of extremely selective consumer research.

  3. Mmmmmm....abortion crackers. Yummy.


Let's keep it civil people.