Monday, March 28, 2011

The start of something beautiful. . .

So generally, I'm kind of anti-blog.  I think there are too many of them out there, and with the exception of a precious few I find them to be repetitive and boring.  So I thought, "Hey! I can be repetitive and boring too!"  Basically, I just wanted somewhere to direct the constant frustration I feel over my plight of being so darned liberal in such a darned conservative area.  I mean, even our Democrats are anti-choice!  Come on!  So, if you feel compelled to read my posts, I thank you and apologize in advance.  If not, I won't hold it against you.  I'm all about choice.


  1. I'm pro-choice AND pro-blog. I'm looking forward to reading!

  2. I was specifically referring to your blog in the "precious few" category. :-)


Let's keep it civil people.