Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Can we please, for the love of god, STOP calling them "entitlements" and use some proper terminology here?  They are "safety nets" not "entitlement programs."

I understand why the Republican'ts use the term.  It makes Medicare and Social Security sound like luxury programs that Americans feel "entitled" to and therefore don't really need or deserve.

What I can't understand is why the Democrats have wholeheartedly jumped on board with this Frank Luntzian language.  It's like we always dive head first into the conservative traps without thinking at all.

I have a job where I have to deal with Medicare billing quite frequently, and believe me, it's not some sort of free for all giveaway for old people.  Anyone who deals with Medicare knows that their standards and anti-fraud measures are very stringent, and it's actually pretty hard to make sure something gets covered under Medicare.  You really have to have all of your i's dotted and t's crossed. 

The idea that we're just throwing money at these programs for no reason is laughable.  People need a safety net, especially elderly people whose savings have been plundered by Wall Street.

What kind of country are we when we view taking care of our most vulnerable citizens through the same lens as spoiled rich kids receiving an inheritance?  Not a very Christian one I would say.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Love Crimes of Kabul

The other night my husband and I watched a movie called "Love Crimes of Kabul."

No, it's not what you're thinking.

It was a documentary about people (mostly women) who are sitting in prison in Afghanistan because of some sort of "crime" involving adultery.

One young woman was there because she had been found at her kitchen table eating macaroni and cheese with her boyfriend. She was charged with intent to engage in sexual acts or something of that sort.

Another woman was arrested for not returning home from work on time. She had missed her curfew and was afraid to go home because, as she said, "my family talks with knives." She was 24-years-old.

It really made me think 2 different things.

One: How do we think that we're going to bring any kind of democracy to a country that treats its women like children?

Two: In a perfect Evangelical Christian society wouldn't it be exactly the same?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Letter to the Senator

I've been getting regular email updates regarding the state government shutdown from my Republican State Senator, Paul Gazelka.  When I got the last one, I decided to email him back. It went something like this:

"I appreciate that Republicans and Democrats have different views about taxing vs. cutting, but I hope you'll consider getting rid of the social demands that you put into your proposal, like abortion and stem cell research. These are not issues that should be decided in the budget negotiations. 

I also think that since the Governor has been willing to scale back his tax proposals, that you guys could do your part to compromise some of your ideas as well."
Here's the response I got:
"There was almost an agreement on June 30th.  The governor has gone back to the full $1.4 billion increase above the $4 billion increase we already passed in our budget.
It would not surprise me if we were somewhere near his last agreement that he withdrew. 
Paul Gazelka"

Could someone please explain to me how this addresses anything I wrote to him about? 

This is what we're dealing with here in Minnesota. God help us all.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

MN Shutdown - Who's at Fault?

Hear me out.  Even though I'm a liberal, I'd like to think I can look at this at least a little bit objectively. 

When we all went to polls last November, we voted for people based on our beliefs about how the government should be run. Mark Dayton made no secret of the fact that if he became the Governor, his goal would be to raise taxes on the wealthiest Minnesotans.  And the Republicans who were elected in the legislature made no secret of the fact that if they won, they would not raise ANY taxes, and would solve the budget deficit by cutting programs.

Well, guess what?  All of them won, and now all of them are holding their ground.

What doesn't seem to be getting any coverage in the press is the fact that along with the cuts Republicans put in their budget proposal, they also added several non-budget related demands, such as banning abortion after 20 weeks, eliminating collective bargaining rights, and getting rid of stem-cell research.

What does any of that have to do with balancing the budget?  Nothing, that's what.

If the Democrats were insisting on adding marriage equality to the budget plan, I would be against that too, because budget negotiations are no place for social warfare.

Governor Dayton has been negotiating.  He's a agreed to scale back his tax hikes, and is willing to cut funding to some programs.  However, the Rupublican'ts continue to insist that all of their demands be met.  That's not negotiation, that's hostage-taking.

You have to give it to the Republican'ts though.  Many people elected them solely on the abortion issue, and they're going to give those voters what they want come hell or high water.

So whose fault is it?  The voters.  I hope abortion is an important enough issue for them to stop receiving their daycare assistance into the foreseeable future.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

What Liberals Celebrate on the 4th of July

While browsing through Facebook today, I came across a great article by Dan Bimrose entitled "What a Liberal Does on the 4th of July."  It was an excellent read and it inspired me to write my own post about liberals and Independence Day.  Then I realized that (a) my toddler will be up from his nap soon, so I don't have much time, and (b) I really can't say it any better than Dan did.

If you want to read the full article, go here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dan-bimrose/what-a-liberal-does-on-th_b_887567.html

Otherwise, here is my favorite part:

Liberals respect, honor and cherish the Constitution as an evolving document capable of being changed when we as a nation are ready for change.

We believe that the founders had it right when they said in the Declaration of Independence, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." We believe this to be the very worthy intent of our founding fathers.

We acknowledge conservatives love the Constitution as well. Well, they love certain parts of the Constitution. Different conservative groups would love to repeal a variety of amendments including the 8th, the 14th, the 16th, the 17th, the 19th and possibly the 26th amendment.

Liberals do believe that children born in the inner city or poverty stricken rural areas deserve the same access to health care as blue bloods spending the holiday on Martha's Vineyard. We are not unpatriotic because we believe this. Perhaps you could call us compassionate, but not unpatriotic.

We understand that we pass on more to our children than just budgets and balance sheets. We also pass on the environment and the planet to our children and grandchildren. Regardless of whether or not we feel that global warming is real or a myth we still value clean water and clean air.

We may not appreciate the wars we are currently fighting in the Middle East, but we love and respect our soldiers. After all they are our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, wives and husbands.

We believe that teachers, policeman and firefighters should be paid and paid well due to their value and service to our community.

We believe that all of our children deserve libraries, gym class, and the opportunity to star in their school play.

We believe our country is great because we are a melting pot, not in spite of it. We value diversity. This is the American Way. This was the American dream.

We pay our taxes, but think that the wealthiest amongst us and the most profitable industries can share in bearing a little extra burden to fix our government's mistakes.

We believe that our senior citizens are people who have served our countries and their families well. They deserve not just our respect, but the ability to retire with the reasonable assurance that their health needs and financial needs will be met.

No, we do not agree with everything and most of the time we do not agree with anything, but it is not necessary to call each other unpatriotic or un-American. Liberals do not think conservatives are evil, we just think they are wrong. Perhaps some of the name calling conservatives out there will learn that liberals are Americans too.

Whether liberal or conservative, we are all American.  Have a great 4th everyone!

Friday, July 1, 2011


This was what I found on my car this morning. Someone had written "MORON" in the dust on my rear window.  I have to give them props for spelling it correctly at least.  I'm assuming they were referring to my "Pro-Child, Pro-Family, Pro-Choice" bumper sticker.  Or maybe they just hate Fords, and by extension, America.

It probably happened at the restaurant last night where I was enjoying a leisurely dinner with my extended family.  Either that, or my husband did it this morning, but I think that's the least likely of the two scenarios.  I tried to take a picture for you, but the damn glare from the sun wouldn't cooperate.

As I've said before though, it amazes me that someone thinks I'm going to change my mind on the issue based on their thoughtless window writing.  I'm amazed they even got it on there at all considering I just washed my car yesterday.  But it cleaned off easily, so I guess no harm done.  Thanks, you moron.