Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What's Wrong With Women Working?

When I was at the county fair a couple of weeks ago, I picked up some "literature" at a booth that's been a fixture at the fair for as long as I can remember.  It has about 50 or so small pamphlets on various Christian topics.

The pamphlet, entitled "What's Wrong With Women Working?" has provided several minutes worth of entertainment for me and my family.  It's an overview of the biblical teachings on women working outside of the home, and it is just precious.

Here are a few of my favorite quotes:

"The woman is to look to her husband for her food.  The husband is to go out and make the living.  Now we have a generation of weasels that are eating out of a woman's pocketbook."

"It is an abomination for 'Christian' colleges to offer career courses for women.  A young lady can learn all she needs to know about homemaking at home."

"Vital areas of the home such as cooking, canning, freezing, washing, ironing, cleaning, shopping, nursing the sick, training the children, helping their husband, etc., etc., are not passingly mastered.  They require full time."

Under the heading, "A Few Excuses for Violating the Scriptures," excuse number two is "My husband doesn't earn enough money."  The response to this excuse reads as follows:

"Maybe you're just trying to live outside his means.  Maybe you're living up more than he earns.  The answer to that problem is not to abandon God's instructions for the wife and launch out on a path of your own choosing.  You need to cut down on your high tone living.  The problem may not be that he doesn't earn enough.  It may be you are just spending it faster than he can bring it home.  Living above your means."

The last section of the pamphlet is entitled, "Dangers of Violating the Scriptures," and the "dangers" are simply priceless:

"1. Juvenile delinquency and dope heads.
2. Self sufficient women bringing home their own check.
3. The wife sees some 'sharp cookie' some 'Fancy Dan' over there on the job.  She begins to compare him with her own husband.  She has her own check.  Soon she doesn't need her husband any longer."

The "Conclusion" of the pamphlet is very succinct:

I have just told you a few things about what's wrong with women working.  There are many, many other things wrong with it."

It amazes me that many Christians today will laugh at that antiquated view of women in the workplace, and yet still cling so strongly to the "biblical teachings" on other issues such as gay marriage and abortion.  It's a typical example of conservatives and liberals alike picking and choosing scripture to support their already established points of view. 

Just one more reason I'm an Atheist.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. what's upsetting about that ridiculous pamphlet is that the Bible doesn't address the issue of women working directly. in fact, the most famous example of a biblical woman is written in proverbs 31, where a very virtuous woman is held up as an example to all. she works in and out of her home and is busy constantly. buying and selling are mentioned and she is admired and respected by all for her her hard work and care for her family, all things which any working or non-working mother can relate to. as someone who does believe in the Bible, i'm very offended by people who attack others in the name of a Bible they don't understand or read. working out of the home is a personal decision every woman makes, christian or not. i have plenty of friends who are working mothers and plenty of non-christian friends who chose to stay home to be with their children full-time. neither one is right for everybody all the time. thanks for posting. that's an awful brochure and i'm not sure who it was meant to benefit. it seems like it was meant to assault.

  3. You should scan this treasure so we may all read and laugh until we pee!

  4. Sorry Shannon, I threw it out when I was cleaning the house the other day (aka performing my wifely duties).

    And Karen, there were actually several biblical passages cited to support each of his points. I just didn't reprint them because they weren't very funny.


Let's keep it civil people.