for my avid readers, I just finished watching the shitshow of a
"hearing" to de-fund Planned Parenthood, so you don't have to. I
watched the first one on Sept 9th, which was similarly horrible, but the McCarthy-esque witch hunt against Cecile Richards last Tuesday was an absolute travesty beyond words.
So, without further adieu, here
is my summarized transcript of the entire hearing.
Generic Republican 1:
"Thanks for coming Ms. Richards. You suck and we all hate you more than
you can possibly imagine."
Cecile Richards: "No
problem. I love to spend my time answering stupid questions from stupid people."
G.R.1.: "Are
you aware that Planned Parenthood SELLS BABY PARTS???!!!!!"
C.R.: "No,
actually we don't."
G.R.1.: "Yes
you do!! I saw it on a video!!"
C.R.: "Again,
no we don't."
G.R.1.: "Okay,
then how about you tell me how much profit you make MURDERING INNOCENT BABIES!!"
C.R.: "We're a non-profit
organization. We don't make a 'profit' on anything."
G.R.1.: "Yeah right. I'm a
Republican so I know how business works. You're making a profit on abortion,
and it's huge."
C.R.: "We're not a
business, we're a nonprofit organization. We don't make a profit. On anything."
G.R.1.: "Why are you being so
secretive about how much profit you make on abortions?!"
C.R.: "I'm not being
secretive. We gave you copies of all of our financial statements already. We
don't make a profit."
G.R.1.: "Look at this chart
I found that shows how many abortions you do and how many Pap smears you DON'T.
Why do you do so many abortions?! I hate abortions!!"
C.R.: "That chart is from
an anti-abortion group. And it's not actually a chart."
G.R.1.: "Agree to disagree."
Generic Democrat 1: "I'm so
sorry my idiot colleagues are being such assholes. We all know this is a
C.R.: "Thanks. You rock."
Generic Republican 2:
"You're a horrible person. I don't know how you sleep at night. I have grand-kids you know. Why do you want to kill my grand-kids?!."
C.R.: "I don't."
G.R.2.: "Yeah right, you
just LOVE murdering grand-babies. And while we're on the subject, why should
taxpayers have to pay for your abortions?"
C.R.: "They don't. Federal
tax money can't go to abortion. You know this."
G.R.2.: "But you're doing
it anyway, right?"
C.R.: "No."
Generic Democrat 2:
"We're all so sorry these pricks are being such pricks.
Seems like we could be doing something better with our time."
C.R.: "Probably."
Generic Republican 3:
"Why aren't you giving people more mammograms? My mom had breast cancer, so I
love mammograms. How many of those do you do?"
C.R.: "We've actually
never done mammograms at Planned Parenthood. We don't have radiology facilities. We do breast
exams, and refer people who need mammograms to radiology clinics. Just like every other
doctor in the world."
G.R.3.: "But you 'claim' to do breast exams."
C.R.: "Actually, breast
exams and mammograms are two different things."
G.R.3.: "Ha! So you ADMIT
that you don't do mammograms!?"
C.R.: "Yup, you got me."
Generic Democrat 3:
"Seriously though, I am SO sorry about this."
Generic Republican 4: "Ms.
Richards, can you please explain to me why you 'claim' to do breast
exams, when your reports show that you don't seem to do ANY mammograms?"
C.R.: "Jesus Christ. Did
we not just go through this?"
G.R.4.: "I'm just trying
to figure out why y'all think you're so great over there at 'Planned Parenthood' when you obviously aren't doing any of the mammograms you claim to be doing. I
mean, if you 'care' about women so much, why are you letting them all
die from breast cancer?!"
C.R.: <look of disbelief>
Generic Democrat 4: "I just can't even believe this shit."
Generic Republican 5: "Ms. Richards, did you know that my wife is a nurse? She's a woman. And she's pro-life. BOOM! There goes your stupid idea about women wanting choices."
C.R.: "That's great. Life is about choices. Your wife is free to believe whatever she wants to."
G.R.5.: "Have you heard the good news about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Don't you know he hates abortions? Why can't you just stop it with the abortions?! STOP IT!!! NOW!!!
C.R.: "Uuuummmmm. . . ."
Generic Democrat 5: <shakes head in sad and hopeless manner>
Generic Republican 6: "Can we go back to this mammogram issue?"
Like, 60 hours later. . . .
Generic Republican 17: "I still don't understand why y'all are lying about the mammograms."
Generic Democrat 16: "I can't believe we're still here."
Generic Republican 18: "Let's go back to the chart we saw earlier."
C.R.: "Still not accurate, and still not a chart."
G.R.18.: "I want to know why your Pap smear numbers are going down while your abortion numbers are going up. It's because you just love doing abortions way more and are refusing to give women Pap smears, right?"
C.R.: "Actually, it's because the medical guidelines have changed so that most women only need a Pap smear every three years instead of every one year. It's science."
G.R.18.: "But that doesn't account for the number of Pap smears going down."
C.R.: "Actually, it does."
G.R.18.: "Nuh uh. You're probably just refusing to give women their Pap smears so you can free up more time for abortions. You're probably keeping women from getting Pap smears just like you're denying them mammograms. Have I mentioned what a horrible person you are?"
C.R.: "Yes, you have. Thank you."
Generic Democrat 17: "For the love of God. Is this really happening?"
Generic Republican 19: "Madam, I don't know how you sleep at night. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but you are the scum on the bottom of the devil's shoes. I wish we could still burn sinners like you alive. In fact, I'm authoring a bill to do just that as we speak. Not only do you cut up babies into tiny pieces, which I know for a fact because I heard there was a video of it, but you also have the audacity to deny women desperately needed mammograms. How dare you madam? How dare you?"
C.R.: "Was that a question?"
Generic Republican 20: "It has come to my attention that you have a higher salary than I do. I'm a Congressman. And a man! And I'm white!! How is that fair?! If you really cared about women like you claim to, you'd take all that fancy money that you spend on shoes and lipstick and use it to give women mammograms! The nerve of some people!!"
Generic Republican 21: "Can you tell me why you only give money to Democrats? I mean, Republicans like money too. Seems pretty partisan to me. Super unfair. Are you involved in some sort of conspiracy with the Democrat Party? You are, right? Why should the taxpayers give you all this money for abortions when you just turn around and give it all to the goddamned Democrats?! Huh? Explain that!!"
C.R.: "Again, taxpayers don't pay for abortions, and we'd be happy to give money to any Republicans who support a woman's right to choose. Unfortunately, they don't seem to exist."
Generic Republican 22: "Can we just get back to why you do SO MANY abortions and SO FEW mammograms??!!"
Generic Republican 23: "I still want to know why you're being so dodgy about how few Pap smears you do. Is it because you use all that taxpayer money for abortions instead?! Huh? HUH??!!"
Like, 127 hours later. . .
Generic Democrat 23: "Well, I think we can all agree that we've learned nothing useful here today. You're welcome taxpayers.

Have you ever watched Claire Culwell or Melissa Ohden on Youtube?
ReplyDeleteNo, I don't watch much YouTube, but I'm guessing I should check them out?
DeleteI highly recommend it! I think they provide a perspective to this debate that is rarely heard. Well worth the time. :-)