Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Shutdown Time

Everyone in Minnesota is bracing themselves for the impending state shutdown.  If the Democratic governor and the Republican legislature can't come to an agreement on the budget my Friday, we'll all be SOL for the 4th of July weekend.

What I can't wrap my head around is how the average, everyday citizen who even pays minimal attention to the issue can't seem to see what's going on here.  Governor Dayton wants to raise taxes on the wealthiest 2% of income earners in the state, and the Republicans want to just cut programs with no revenue increases.  So in the spirit of compromise, the governor said, "OK, I'll cut my plan down by half, now it's your turn," and then the Republicans come back with, "Nope."

I thought the point of governing was to compromise for the good of the people.  But here in MN, our conservative legislators are simply digging in their heels and refusing to compromise on their end.  Yet somehow, what with the brilliant messaging machine that the Republican party has become, all the blame seems to either get put on the governor or at least spread evenly between him and the legislators.

But this should not be an even sum blame-game.  One side is willing to greatly compromise, while the other is simply content to sit it out until the opposing party caves in.  That's not governing and it's not fair.

My Republican state senator had the nerve to send out an email to his constituents reminding them of all the programs that will get cut if there's a shutdown.  Yes, we know - and you're the one who won't do anything about it!!  The whole thing just makes me crazy!!

1 comment:

  1. It absolutely kills me to think of the price tag associated with this, the millions squandered when budgets are strapped as it is (hello! that's the crux of all this, right?!). Then there are the tens of thousands of lost jobs, the ripple effects from the newly unemployed, and all the evaporating revenue during the height of summer.

    Even *if* they make a last-ditch effort, agree to a budget and pull together a lights-on bill, there is still all the money spent to slow down and prepare to halt the gears of government -- not to mention the loss of confidence in our state for residents, and the tarnish to its reputation in the eyes of the country.


Let's keep it civil people.