Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hate Radio

I got a sweet new car last month that came with a sweet new trial subscription to Sirius Satellite Radio.  It's been awesome listening to all the non-stop left wing radio when I'm in my car, but I've noticed something troubling.

When all of my favorite stations have commercials on simultaneously, I flip over to right-wing radio just to see what they're talking about, and I'm starting to see why the tea party is so angry all of the time. 

I get an ulcer just listening to this stuff for 2 minutes at a time.  The anger and hatred that is spewed on these stations is just nauseating to me.  What you hear over and over is some form or another of "I'm right, they're wrong, end of discussion."  There's no contemplation and no context for anything they talk about.

I would challenge any conservative people to try listening to left-wing radio for a few minutes, and see if they notice a difference.  Most of the shows are thoughtful, respectful, and welcome debate.  There are always exceptions, but for the most part, it's not unusual to hear a left-wing host say that they've changed their mind because of a point a caller made, or you can tell that they're at least thinking about it.

And it's not just the words they say, it's the tone they use.  They are basically screaming venom at the microphone.  You can just visualize the veins popping out of their foreheads.  It puts me on edge just to hear it.  I gotta say, if I listened to this crap constantly, maybe I'd be a hard-core tea bagger too.

1 comment:

  1. "Provoke one another with love" Rephrase of Hebrews 10:24



Let's keep it civil people.