I have my DVD set to record anything that has "abortion" in the description. I'm always hoping this will snag me some good documentaries on the issue, but at least once a week I end up with a recording of a show called "Faces of Abortion" that runs on one of the 2 million religious channels Dish Network seems to carry.
I generally just delete these without even watching them, but since it's summer now and all my shows are on hiatus, I decided to put on "Faces" while I was getting ready for work the other morning.
What I noticed right off the bat was the two portly elderly white gentleman sitting in what must have been the peanut gallery, judging quietly from the side of the stage. I guess they were deacons or something? Then the scowly lady host started to introduce the woman whose story we were about to hear. The lady host had one of those Botoxed faces with a permanent false friendly-ish expression that you can see right through to the eyes that are judging you.
The woman whose story was presented had apparently been coerced into an abortion at age 19 by her boyfriend. Predictably, she regretted the abortion immediately (probably because she didn't really want to have it in the first place). After a downward spiral, she found Jesus several years later, which REALLY made her regret the abortion.
The second story presented was about an old guy who had helped his girlfriend have an illegal abortion back in the day and didn't regret it until. . . wait for it . . . he found Jesus.
After the 2 stories there was a lengthy discussion by the old guys and another hip young Christian guy who worked in the Development (aka-send us money) Department, about how they as men needed to "protect women" from being hurt by abortion. So basically, us silly-headed women aren't smart or moral enough to make decisions for ourselves, so we need our big, strong knights in shining armor to protect us from ourselves.
I think I'll just go ahead and delete it again next time.
ooohhh, shiny armor!!! Where do I sign up?