Monday, May 2, 2011


So we finally got Osama Bin Laden huh? Well it's about damn time. So conservatives, go ahead and tell me how the President did it wrong. Come on, I'm waiting. I want to hear it.

Wouldn't you just have loved to be a fly on the wall for that phone call from Obama to Bush? "Hey George, whatcha havin' for breakfast? Eggs? Great - tell Laura hi for me. Oh ya, I CAUGHT OSAMA BIN LADEN!! HA!"

I gotta say though, this whole display of people cheering in the streets is really creeping me out. It reminds me of the "death to America" scenes we always get from the middle east. Aren't we supposed to be a Christian nation? I know Bin Laden was a despicable human being, but this ostentatious celebration of a person's death seems very un-Christian. I thought we were supposed to be better than that.

1 comment:

  1. There is that whole thing about "loving your enemies..."


Let's keep it civil people.