Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bumper Sticker Blues

So I’m driving to my friend’s house the other day, and as I pull onto the highway, I notice a car in the left lane that’s quickly catching up to me.  The car pulls up alongside me and honks vigorously.  I turn to look thinking maybe it’s somebody I know, and see the driver leaning over the passenger seat (and whoever’s sitting in it) to give me a hearty thumbs down sign.  He then starts pointing towards the back of my car. 
My first thought was, “is my back tire flat?” It’s happened before that another motorist pointed out a flat tire to me.  But then I realize, no, he’s pointing to my bumper sticker that reads “Pro-Child, Pro-Family, Pro-Choice” and showing his disapproval by giving me a thumbs down.
I then slowed down to make sure he got ahead of me a little bit, and by the time I turned left off the highway, he was on my right honking again as he drove by.
I can only assume that he thinks his big display will somehow make me pause and reconsider my point of view, which is asinine because I clearly have a strong enough view of my own on the issue to place a bumper sticker on my car in the first place.
I can also only assume he really could care less about the actual baby sitting directly behind me in the backseat whose life he was endangering by distracting me from driving at 70 mph, not to mention the two children he had in his backseat who apparently weren’t important enough to keep his eyes on the road for.  He seems to care more about theoretical fetuses than about the living, breathing children we were both hauling in our backseats.
So presumably this guy doesn’t care what choice you make, as I clearly chose to have a baby.  He just cares about making sure women have no choice at all.  And he seems to think endangering the life of my baby is an appropriate way to share his opinion.
What a jackass.


  1. JACKASS is too kind! I shouldn't be surprised that folks like this endanger post-born kids while "defending" (seems to strong a word for a thumbs-up) fetuses, but I am all the same. Ugh.

  2. This one should be a letter to the editor.
    When I read the title, I thought you might be writing about how other people's bumper stickers offend you.
    When I'm an old woman, I shall wear purple, with a read hat that doesn't go, and I shall stalk the parking lots of super-stores with a sharpie marker. When the police come for me I will just hand them one of my daughter's business cards and act mute and senile.
    Until then, I will remain the gracious and patient upstanding citizen that I am. Most of the time.


Let's keep it civil people.