I'm not going to bore you with the reasons that I voted "no" to both constitutional amendments in Minnesota (I already voted absentee). Instead, I'm going to implore you to vote no as well by writing this final plea.
The Marriage Amendment
Minnesota is asking voters to add a line to the state constitution that says marriage will be henceforth defined as the union of "one man and one woman." If you're planning to vote yes, then we already disagree on gay marriage, and I probably can't change your mind. But consider this, the rights of the people, any people, should NEVER be voted on by the population at large. This country was founded on the belief that the rights of the minority should be protected from the will of the majority, or "mob rule."
No matter what your stance is on gay marriage, you will have the right to express that view whether or not this amendment passes. Contrary to popular belief, Minnesota is NOT voting on whether or not to legalize gay marriage, unlike the other 3 states voting on this issue. We are simply voting on how illegal it should be. Please realize that if you are against gay marriage, then your viewpoint is most likely informed by your religion, and even though your religion may represent the majority view in America, I go back to my original point: we are not supposed to live under mob rule. Our country is so wonderful because we protect the rights of the minority, not in spite of it.
The Voter ID Amendment
This one is just simple. It's a solution without a problem. Voter fraud, especially "in person" voter fraud, which is the only kind of fraud this amendment would impact, is just not a problem in Minnesota. I have been an election judge here, and I can tell you that our voting system is very safe and sound. And I'm stunned that the conservatives, the very people who decry wasteful spending, would want to spend so much money providing these ID's and implementing the new system.
And if you are saying, "OK, but we need an ID to get on an airplane," I can only respond with, "no one has the 'right' to fly on an airplane, but we all have the right to vote." Not only would this amendment waste a ridiculous amount of taxpayer money in this state, but it would amount to a "poll tax" for many people who would have to pay to get their birth certificate to obtain a "free" ID. Poll taxes are supposed to be illegal, because they keep the poor from voting.
And my final, final plea on both issues.
The constitution is not the place to decide legislative issues. We elect representatives so that they can spend the time learning about these issues and making informed decisions. If they can't do that, and they kick the can to us in the form of constitutional amendments, then they have failed at their job.
So please, please, I'm begging you, do NOT vote "yes" on either of these amendments. Do you want me to beg? I'll beg. Hell, I'll come over and clean your house and babysit your kids so you can have a night out if you'll only vote no. It's that important. These are amendments that will have real consequence for real people. If our lawmakers can't hash out these issue the way they're supposed to, then it's not up to us to do their job for them.
Please, pretty please, VOTE NO!
(I'll throw in some free leftover Halloween candy?)
I hope you don't mind -- I love what you have written here and want to share it...