Last night I was enjoying an old episode of "South Park" with my husband when a commercial came on attacking Rick Nolan, our Democratic candidate for Congress. The ad said that Nolan is "extreme" and that he wants to get rid of Medicare.
Now I've met Rick Nolan several times. In fact, I once sat next to him at an awards dinner and had a lovely conversation with him. He's anything but extreme. He's actually a genuinely nice guy who wants to make a real difference.
And I know for a fact that he doesn't want to get rid of Medicare. In fact, it's the Republican party, and their candidate Chip Cravaack, who would like to dismantle social programs like Medicare, because they don't really think it's the government's job to help people.
So I was more than a little perplexed by this commercial. I finally figured it out when they got to the part about Nolan wanting a "European-style health program." As we all know, anything European is bad, so this sinister guy is trying to get rid of your Medicare and replace it with something European?! What a jerk!
Well, actually, that "European-style health program" is really called "single-payer healthcare" and it's something that many people, like myself, have been advocating for for a long time. It's essentially Medicare, but for everyone, not just seniors. Because seniors, in my opinion, are not the only people deserving of healthcare, and a single-payer healthcare system is really the only humane way to tackle our healthcare problems, as most of the rest of the civilized world has already figured out.
So this ad, put out by the "American Action Network" is deliberately lying about Nolan's stance. Does he want to get rid of Medicare? No. If you take a quick trip to his website,, you'll find this quote, "Don’t turn Medicare into a voucher system for insurance companies, which will mean higher costs and less treatment." Does that sound like someone who wants to end Medicare? He may have backed off on singe-payer, which upsets me, but he's definitely not about to get rid of Medicare.
Is this ad not only lying about Nolan's stance, but also essentially taking Chip Cravaack's desire to end Medicare and pinning it on Nolan? Well, if you take a trip to Cravaack's website, you'll find. . . well . . . . nothing. No info on his stance on any issue. So I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and just assume that he falls into line with the Republican party and wants to end Medicare as we know it.
I know that all political ads tend to be a little misleading, so this whole thing doesn't really shock me, but the egregious LYING going on in this ad is really off the charts. The American Action Network should be extremely ashamed of themselves. Although sadly, I know that they aren't.
Well, The American Action Network" claims to be "Center-right", though I don't see much "center" anything on their site. They are "An action center for a new era in American history; an incubator of promising ideas and alternatives; and a catalyst for action to change our country’s course." As in, bye-bye New Deal. Please. Their board members will come as no surprise. A cynical "alternative" to mutual responsibility and inclusiveness is specifically designed to reach stupid, fearful voters.
ReplyDeleteI'm just picturing some politically misinformed elderly voters seeing this ad and actually changing their vote because of it. Although, with Voter ID we won't have to worry about the elderly voting anymore. These people are despicable. Where is their sense of "personal responsibility" when it comes to telling the truth?